بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Diyanet İşleri Meali(Yeni)

Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm.[1][2][3] * 
Diyanet İşleri Meali(Yeni) Meali 1. Ayet Açıklaması

1. “Tekrarlanan yedi âyet” ile ilgili olarak bakınız: Hicr sûresi, âyet, 87.
2. Salât, namaz demektir. Hz.Peygamber, namaz açısından Fâtiha sûresinin önemini vurgulamak için; “Hiçbir namaz Fâtiha’sız tamam olmaz” buyurmuştur. Namaz ile âdeta özdeşleşen sûreye, bu açıdan “salât (namaz)” adı verilmiştir.3. Besmele, Neml sûresinde müstakil bir âyet olarak yer alırken (27/30), Tevbe sûresi hariç Kur’an’ın her sûresinin başında da bulunmaktadır. Fâtiha sûresinin başındaki besmele, bir görüşe göre, sûrenin birinci ayeti sayılmayıp, son âyet iki âyet olarak kabul edilmektedir. “Rahmân ve Rahîm olan Allah’ın adıyla” şeklinde tercüme edebileceğimiz besmeleyi, aslî ifadesi ile okuyup öylece korumak uygun olur. Zira Besmele, tıpkı ezan ve selâm gibi, tüm müslümanlar arasında ortak bir mesaj niteliği taşımaktadır.

Yusuf Ali (English)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful(19). *

Yusuf Ali (English) Meali 1. Ayet Açıklaması

19 The Arabic words "Rahman and Rahim," translated "Most Gracious" and "Most Merciful" are both intensive forms referring to different aspects of Allah's attribute of Mercy. The Arabic intensive is more suited to express Allah's attributes than the superlative degree in English. The latter implies a comparison with other beings, or with other times or places, while there is no being like unto Allah, and He is independent of Time and Place. Mercy may imply pity, long-suffering, patience, and forgiveness, all of which the sinner needs and Allah Most Merciful bestows in abundant measure. But there is a Mercy that goes before even the need arises, the Grace which is ever watchful, and flows from Allah Most Gracious to all His creatures, protecting them, preserving them, guiding them, and leading them to clearer light and higher life. For this reason the attribute Rahman (Most Gracious) is not applied to any but Allah, but the attribute Rahim (Merciful), is a general term, and may also be applied to Men. To make us contemplate these boundless gifts of Allah, the formula: "In the name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful": is placed before every Surah of the Qur'an (except the ninth), and repeated at the beginning of every act by the Muslim who dedicates his life to Allah, and whose hope is in His Mercy.Opinion is divided whether the Bismillah should be numbered as a separate verse or not It is unanimously agreed that it is a part of the Qur'an. Therefore it is better to give it an independent number in the first Surah. For subsequent Surahs it is treated as an introduction or headline, and therefore not numbered.

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