25 Ocak 2011 Salı



Diyanet İşleri Meali(Yeni) Meali 1. Ayet Açıklaması

Kur’an-ı Kerim’de yirmi dokuz sûrenin başında yer alan bu gibi harflere “Hurûf-i mukattaa” veya “Mukatta’ât” (Arap alfabesindeki adlarıyla, tek tek okunan harfler) denir. Anlamlarını kesin olarak bilmediğimiz bu harfler üzerinde tefsir bilginleri çeşitli görüşler belirtmişlerdir. Bunlar arasında, bu harflerin; başında bulunduğu sûrenin adı, ya da Allah Teâlâ ile Hz.Peygamber arasında birer şifre olduğu görüşleri ağırlık kazanmıştır. 

Yusuf Ali (English) Meali 1. Ayet Açıklaması

25 These are abbreviated letters, the Muqatta'at, on which a general discussion will be found in Appendix I (at the end of this Surah). <br><br>The particular letters, Alif, Lam, Mim, are found prefixed to this Surah, and Surahs 3, 29, 30, 31 and 32 (six in all). In 2 and 3 the argument is about the rise and fall of nations, their past, and their future in history, with ordinances for the new universal people of Islam. In 29 a similar argument about nations leads off to the mystery of Life and Death, Failure and Triumph, Past and Future, in the history of individual souls. The burden of 30 is that Allah is the source of all things and all things return to Him. In 31 and 32 the same lesson is enforced: Allah is the Creator and He will be the Judge on the Last Day. There is therefore a common thread, the mystery of Life and Death, Beginning and End. <br><br>Much has been written about the meaning of these letters, but most of it is pure conjecture. Some commentators are content to recognize them as some mystic symbols of which it is unprofitable to discuss the meaning by more verbal logic. (R). .

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