إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
Hayrat Neşriyat Meali

(Rabbimiz!) Ancak sana ibâdet ederiz ve ancak senden yardım dileriz.(7)
Hayrat Neşriyat Meali Meali 5. Ayet Açıklaması

(7)“ ‘Dîn’ kelimesinden maksad, ya cezâdır (karşılıktır); çünki o gün, hayır ve şerlere cezâ verilecek bir gündür veya hakāik-ı dîniyedir (dînî hakīkatlerdir). Çünki hakāik-ı dîniye o gün tam ma‘nâsıyla meydana çıkar.” (İşârâtü’l-İ‘câz, 16) 

Yusuf Ali (English)

Thee do we worship(21), and Thine aid we seek. *
Yusuf Ali (English) Meali 5. Ayet Açıklaması

21 On realizing in our souls Allah's love and care, His grace and mercy, and His power and justice (as Ruler of the Day of Judgement), the immediate result is that we bend in the act of worship, and see both our shortcomings and His allsufficient power. The emphatic form means that not only do we reach the position of worshipping Allah and asking for His help, but we worship Him alone and ask for His aid only. For there is none other than He worthy of our devotion and able to help us. Then plural "we" indicates that we associate ourselves with all who seek Allah, thus strengthening ourselves and strengthening them in a fellowship of faith (see n. 586).

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