Kehf / 46 Ayeti kerime'nin açıklaması

الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلًا

Mallar ve evlatlar, dünya hayatının süsüdür. Baki kalacak salih ameller ise, Rabbinin katında, sevap olarak da ümit olarak da daha hayırlıdır.
Yusuf Ali (English)

Wealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world: But the things that endure, good deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best as (the foundation for) hopes.(2387) *

Yusuf Ali (English) Meali 46. Ayet Açıklaması

2387 Other things are fleeting: but Good Deeds have a lasting value in the sight of Allah. They are best as (or for) rewards in two ways: (1) they flow from us by the Grace of Allah, and are themselves rewards for our Faith; (2) they become the foundation of our hopes for the highest spiritual rewards in the Hereafter (Cf. 19:76).

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